French Toast with a Hawaiian Roll Twist


Hawaiian rolls are just the best. Any recipe that includes them, automatically deserves a second look in my book. They are just so sweet, and soft, and yummy.

When these Hawaiian French Toast Puffs popped up on my Pinterest stories, I knew I needed to take a look. Now, let me say, I like Pinterest stories to look at, but I despise them for cooking. The steps are not easy to manipulate to match up to the amount of time it actually takes to make a dish, and there's not enough text to tell me all the ingredients and give me the detail I need to make the recipe. Usually, I end up Googling the regular recipe so I don't lose my mind. Sometimes that work, sometimes the recipe doesn't exist in anything other than story form, and other issues, but usually I can hunt it down.

With the French Toast Puffs, it turns out the story I saw was an All Recipes improvement on a chef's Instagram post. Thus, as I making these, I was keeping both "recipes" in mind. The difference between the two recipes is that the All Recipes version fills the puffs with a jam and cream cheese mixture. I although it was an extra step and I felt ill prepared to take fill anything, I decided to go for it.

For the record, trying to fill very hot rolls that have just been fried in a skillet is for the birds. I was frustrated in no time. HOWEVER, these rolls were amazing, and the cream cheese goop (that's really what it was for some reason) took them over the top. In fact, I'm torn, because I totally want to make these again, but I need to find some other methodology. Right now, I think I'll try Hawaiian bread, spread with cream cheese and then jam and make a sandwich, then I will dip in the egg batter and fry. It can be any messier, and I bet it will have all the same delicious flavor.

My recommendation? Make. These. Maybe try the sandwich version or else be prepared for an amazing, delicious, mess.
