Sliders for Life

It's probably safe to say that I'll never find a slider I don't like. Oh, I'll keep trying all the different options just to be sure, but that's mostly because I have a love/love relationship with warm, toasty buns.

There's nothing exotic in the Beef & Cheddar Sliders. But altogether in their whole form, they are transformative. They will make you wish you had a bigger stomach so you can squeeze in one more little sandwich. I even cut back on the cheese a smidge (you're shocked right?!), because there already seemed like more than enough. Or maybe my cheddar slices are just extra generous.

I highly recommend adding these to the slide repertoire, and don't wait for a special occasion. Every day is the perfect day for warm, toasty buns in my book.


Pete Menza said…
I'm a slider lover as well! After holidays at home, we often make ones very similar, but use the leftover carved ham or turkey as the meat - so good!
Taylor Jockisch said…
I love nothing more than a good slider. A place that has really good sliders is Chili's. Went there this summer for lunch with my dad and got to Big Mouth Bites, which is 4 cheeseburger sliders - to DIE for.
HRottier said…
Those Big Mouth Bites are amazing. Need to run off to Chilis, ASAP.