Two Ways to Eat Pizza Without Eating Pizza


An oft had conversation around our dinner table is why pizza is so good, and why is it possible to eat pizza so frequently and not tire of it. We never come to any conclusions, other than the fact that it's bread and cheese, so what's not to like. The other thing about pizza is that the flavors can be adapted to a variety of formats so you're still getting pizza, just in another format. Here are two such options, both perfectly pizza and yummy.

First we have Twisted Pizza Breadsticks. The use of frozen bread dough makes these amazing. The prep work will leave a mess and the toppings will fall out when you twist, but soldier on, it's worth it. Also, these got far bigger than I expected. Not complaining, because we enjoyed every bite, but these are hearty.

Next we have Garlic Bread Pizza. This is so super simple, but tastes SO good! It may smell even better. Lay out the bread, add your pizza toppings, and pop it in the oven. Easy. Peasy. One thing I will say, I increased the temp to 425° and upped the time to about 10 minutes (I just made sure the cheese was toasty looking).

There. Two more pizza-ish recipes for your repertoire. Pretty sure you'll like them both, and make them again and again.
