Getting Set for September

September. Yes, September. I can't even believe that's where we are. The weather will start to change. All the fall things will be happening. I'll start to think about making things with pumpkin, even though I don't really like pumpkin.

September's menu reflects a return to full time school, and some of the craziness that is a semester where I am teaching in a hybrid format where the students' statuses migrate back and forth daily. I'm so glad to be back in the classroom, but my menu this month is simple and relies on some help from the freezer at my house and the freezer section at Costco. I need all my brain power for work things, not kitchen things. I was just singing the praises of menu planning to a friend this weekend, and the fact that not having to decide what I make everyday is the best thing I've ever done. I know I'll appreciate it more than ever this month.

Happy September, friends! I hope it's a good one for you.



Taylor Jockisch said…
Holy cow! Your dinner for tomorrow sounds fantastic. Brisket Mac and Cheese is right up my alley. I just made homemade Mac and Cheese and it did not turn out like I wanted it to but I am excited to hear how yours is!!!
HRottier said…
@Taylor - it was from Costco refrigerated section, so easy to make and super tasty!