
It's a new month, and a month full of new recipes.  I'm not sure I've made any of these recipes before, but don't tell my husband.  Even after 13+ years of marriage, he still doesn't quite understand my tendency to not repeat more recipes.  He knows that's how it is, but secretly I think he longs for me to make the first dish I ever cooked for him on a more regular basis.


MElizabeth85 said…
My family is so different. For example, my mom and I found a new sandwich that we liked in Boston. We figured out how it was made and have eaten if 3 times this week... Once I find a meal I like I get it every time!
HRottier said…
I get burnt out on food types very quickly, so I'm all about variety. Hubby would eat the same thing many times in a row without noticing, so this is entirely my issue. :)