Rave Reviews

My family is very good about complimenting a meal they like.  Maybe because they know I'll quote them on the blog.  Either way, I appreciate the fact that there is little doubt about their opinion on a recipe--good or bad.

I was pretty certain this Spaghetti Pie would be a hit.  Mel identifies this as her family's favorite meal, so that mitigated most of the risk from the start.

This recipe was yummy.  It's a little high on the dishes used to prepare scale, but it is worth it.  The littlest eater at the table powered through her portion while she continued to rave about how good it tasted.  (She was saying such nice things I didn't have the heart to say anything about talking with food in her mouth!)  It is very similar to this recipe, but the quantity is much more appropriate for our regular dinners at home.  That being said, I still had 5 full portions of leftovers!

Surprisingly, I don't think I made any changes to this recipe.  I almost feel guilty leaving it as is, but it really didn't need adjustment.  I did use 1/3 fat cream cheese, fat-free cottage cheese, and 2% mozzarella, but I hardly think of those as changes--that's just the version of those products I always buy.  Only it just occurred to me how out-of-this-world yummy it would be with full fat everything!  Wow!

I'd highly recommend this for your next menu plan.  You won't be sorry!


Maddie said…
Hi Heidi-

This recipe looks awesome and is something I might try tonight for dinner! This concept of turning dinner into a pie, or a single dish, reminds me of this recipe for a enchilada casserole: http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/enchilada-casserole-50400000118573/

If this isn't something you have tried at home I definitely recommend it. It's easy to make and it makes enough for leftovers!
Drew Lensmeyer said…
This looks delicious! I love spaghetti and I never thought about making it into a pie! I will give my grandma this recipe, because let's be real, I will burn my apartment down! :)