
I've always loved tater tots.  I know it's terribly unchic and all, but I've loved them ever since my childhood babysitter served me fish sticks and tater tots on a regular basis.  Lavonne, purple, owls, and tater tots all give me a warm fuzzy.

My tot love affair is getting great satisfaction from pins on Pinterest lately, including this one for Tater Tot Pizza.  Perfect Friday night fare.

Although tots are a convenience food, this pizza requires some prep.  Especially since I'd use a homemade crust if I made it again.  The combination is very tasty.  I think it would be even better with fresh sweet corn, but that's another step yet again. 

Here's what I learned:  for a bought crust, you'll have way too much sauce, and the sauce does not have enough seasoning.  Add some salt and pepper when you make the roux!  Also, you could probably have more bacon to top the pizza.  If you do, it will likely throw the dripping to flour ratio off, so make sure you adjust accordingly. 

We definitely enjoyed this pizza.  It's a pizza that's a change of pace and would be absolutely warm and cozy on a cold winter night.
