Meal Planning Tips

I am such a fan of meal planning.  When my little one was younger, planning our menu gave me a tiny little sense of control that had been missing since I became a mom.  I was amazed that this one small idea could give me peace and simplify so many other things in my life. 

Over the past several years, I've shared with many people about my joy in meal planning.  It's been so helpful to me, that I want desparately for others to get the same relief and peace for themselves.  It's why I started posting my monthly plans here.  Some people have shared with me that they don't know what to plan.  My hope is that my plans can either be lifted as is, or at least serve as inspiration.

Tonight I happened across this post on Betty Crocker.  Even though the writer started planning her meals for a different reason, I found that she experienced some of the same benefits that I did.  I also think she has some great tips--some I've used, some I've not.

With that, I encourage you to go forth and menu plan!  It's awesome and will change your life, promise.  Oh, that reminds me, February starts next week, guess I better get to planning!


NicoleG said…
on a very small, informal scale, i tend to plan my meals when im at school as well. i love already knowing whats for dinner and what i will need from the store early on in the week. but i learned a new little trick from some family friends that might come in handy for those who are too busy to cook during the week; cook and prepare a bunch of extra food and meals on Sundays to pick from during the week! i loved the idea. thought i should share the knowledge with you. :)