It's My Birthday and I'll Make Poor Food Choices If I Want To

I love all things cheese and bread.  If there's a way to enjoy those two things in combination, by all means, count me in.  So, not too long ago, my sister sent me a picture of Mac and Cheese Grilled Cheese.  I had to, and my birthday was the perfect occasion.

I looked up a few recipes, but most assumed you had leftover mac and cheese to use.  I did not, so I went out on a limb and made my own version.  I started with Cracker Barrel Mac and Cheese and prepped it per package instructions.  To assemble the sandwich, I started with Texas Toast, added slices of Havarti and White Cheddar, and then lastly the mac and cheese.

The toughest part about this dish is keeping the mac in the sandwich.  However, if a piece or two falls out on the griddle and gets a little toasted, it's pretty amazing.

These sandwiches were gooey, decadent, and delicious--a perfect birthday feast, as simple as it was.  Not sure I can justify these for every day, but I'll definitely remember for future celebrations, whatever that celebration may be.
