Go For It!

There are some recipes I read, and because they are so decadent and/or indulgent, I just don't know if I should.  But in the case of these Mashed Potato Quesadillas, you definitely should.  It's absolutely absurd that this is a thing, but it is a very good thing.

I used mashed potatoes from my freezer, but the recipe would be infinitely easier if you were just working with leftovers from the fridge.  I kept our's simple, just potatoes and cheese (a Colby/Jack blend).  In the future, I'll try sharp cheddar and possibly add bacon, green onions, or other savory items.  There are endless possibilities here--anything you'd put on a baked potato would be lovely.

One other suggestion, make sure you've salted the potatoes as you spread them on the tortilla. I find mashed potatoes almost always need salt, and it's simply too tough to do it properly wants the cheese seals everything in (a delightful problem to have, BTW).

I'm looking forward to my next mashed potato leftovers so I can make these again.  Who am I kidding? I'm always looking forward to mashed potatoes of any type, but especially now that I know how awesome the leftovers can be.
