Ah, November

November. Say what?

Although it's come on us very quickly, I'm actually ready to start looking toward the holidays and spending cozy nights indoors.

I think one of things I'm most excited about on this month's menu are the soups!  I've seen lots of new soup recipes on Pinterest lately, and I'm anxious to start making and enjoying them.  There's also a healthy dose of crockpot recipes for piano lesson days, and breakfasts for dinner that are quick and easy.


Unknown said…
I need to start doing a calendar like this! This would help so much with grocery shopping and that worry of what in the world I'm making for dinner. Unfortunately, I also feel like I would look at the meal for dinner one day and be like, "No that doesn't sound good today." I go entirely based on what I'm craving that day, so all the planning might be for nothing.
Heidi said…
I wasn't sure a menu plan would work for me at all for that exact reason! I do go away from the plan sometimes, and I'll switch up the days from time to time (make Thursday's meal on Tuesday, etc.), but mostly, I stick to the plan because it is SO much easier. When I know what the plan is, I look forward to it rather than dreading what's for dinner. It makes grocery planning super simple too. Try it just for a week and see how you like it!