The Queen's Chicken Salad

A recent trip to the UK, brought home the delights of the curry chicken salad to our family. It's apparently what the late queen favored, so it feels like we're in good company. Recipes for curry chicken salad abound, so in an effort to get a taste of vacation once again, I decided to make this Trader Joe's knockoff

This is a pretty easy chicken salad, and the curry influence is not terribly strong. It's just enough to make things interesting and tasty. I used already cooked chicken from our freezer and that made it extra easy. I prepped ours a few hours ahead of time, and that really helped bring out the best of the ingredients. As for modifications, I would add a bit of salt to the mix, it seemed to be missing in ours.

We really enjoyed this chicken salad for both dinner, and the leftovers at a later time. It was perfect but not too heavy for a hot day.


Brooks Flick said…
I've only ever had experience with British food at the Fox Pub in Peoria and the food was pretty bland. Your chicken curry salad looks very good though! How was your trip to the UK? I've always wanted to visit Big Ben.
Marina said…
This recipe does look good. I'm not someone who tends to choose chicken salad but this one that includes curry piqued my interest because I really enjoy good curry.